1. 发表论文 1. Shuyang Liu, Zhijie Liu, Yuanchun Li, Wei He. Nonlinear Disturbance Observer-based Direct Joint Control for Manipulation of a Flexible Payload with Output Constraints. International Journal of Control. 2022. DOI: 10.1080/00207179.2022.2046858.(SCI收录) 2. Shuyang Liu, Yuanchun Li. Dynamic Modeling and Infinite Dimensional Observer-based Control for Manipulation of Flexible Beam by a Multi-link Robot. Complex & Intelligent Systems. 2022. DOI: 10.1007/s40747-022- 00920-5. (SCI收录) 3. Shuyang Liu, Honglei Yang, Zhijie Liu, Zhenguo Zhang, Yuanchun Li, Observer-based Independent Joint Control for a Coupled Rigid-flexible Manipulator with Actuator Saturation based on Distributed Parameter Model. 2022. Journal of Vibration and Control. 2022. DOI: 10.1177/ 10775463221132877. (SCI收录) 4. Shuyang Liu,Reza Langari, Yuanchun Li. Nonlinear Direct Joint Control for Manipulator Handling a Flexible Payload with Input Constraints. International Journal of Robotics and Automation. 34(6). 2019,645-653.(SCI收录) 5. Shuyang Liu, Honglei Yang, Zhijie Liu, Reza Langari, Yuanchun Li, Adaptive Neural Network Independent Joint-based Control for an ODE-PDE Rigid-Flexible Manipulator with Multiple Constraints. Journal of Vibration and Control. 2023. DOI: 101177/10775463231166962. (SCI收录) 6. 刘姝阳,杨洪磊,张振国,李元春,考虑输出约束及外部干扰的柔性航天器振动控制,北京航空航天大学学报(自然科学版),2022,DOI:10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0622. (EI收录) 7. 刘姝阳,刘克平,李元春,基于耦合滑模面的机械臂操作柔性负载系统分布参数控制,吉林大学学报(工学版),2013,第43卷, 第1期,267-272页。(EI收录) 8. 刘姝阳,刘克平,李元春, 基于分布参数机械臂操作柔性负载的动态反馈控制,清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2012,第52 卷,第9 期, 1188-1193 页。(EI收录) 9. 李元春,刘姝阳,唐志国,基于分布参数机械臂协调操作柔性负载双时标控制,控制与决策,2012,第27卷,第5 期,686-690 页。(EI收录) 10. Shuyang Liu, Xuejie Zhang, Siyuan Tong. Active Vibration for Flexible Hign-rise Building System based on PDE Model. Chinese Automation Conference. 2022.11.25-27. Xiamen.China. (EI收录) 11. Honglei Yang, Siyuan Tong, Shuyang Liu*. PDE Model-based Adaptive Control for Rigid-flexible Manipulator with Actuator Fault and Asymmetric Output Constrain. Chinese Automation Conference. 2021. DOI: 10.1109/CAC53003. 2021. 9728194. (EI 收录) 12. Siyuan Tong, Honglei Yang, Shuyang Liu*. PDE-based Adaptive Control of a Flexible Manipulator with Actuator and Sensor Faults. Chinese Automation Conference. 2021. DOI: 10.1109/CAC53003.2021.9727625. (EI 收录) 13. Shuyang Liu,Jinlong Liu, Reza Langari, Yuanchun Li. A New Exponential Reaching Law of Sliding Mode Control for Vehicle-Mounted Rigid - Flexible Manipulator.2019.7. Chinese Control Conference.(EI收录) 14. Shuyang Liu,Yucheng Liu, Yuanchun Li, Reza Langari, Vibration Control of Two-link Rigid-Flexible Manipulator System with Input Saturation. 2019.7. Chinese Control Conference. (EI收录) 15. Shuyang Liu,Reza Langari, Yuanchun Li. Control Design for the system of Manipulator Handling a Flexible Payload with Input Control Constraints. Proceedings of the ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference. 2018.9.30-10.3, Atlanta, Georgia, USA. (EI收录) 16. Shuyang Liu,Yuanchun Li,Reza Langari. Force Control of Dual-Manipulator Handling a Flexible Payload Based on Distributed Parameter Model. Chinese Automation Conference. 2018.11.30-12.3, Xi’an,2018. (EI收录) 17. Shuyang Liu,Jinlong Liu, Yuanchun Li. Trajectory tracking and vibration control of vehicle hydraulic rigid - flexible manipulator with input constraints. Chinese Automation Conference. Jinan.2017. (EI收录) 18. Liu Shuyang,Wang Zhiqian,Qiao Yanfeng,Xie Mujun,Li Yuanchun, An Energy-Based Position Control and Asymptotic Stability Analysis for Manipulator Handling a Flexible Payload, 10th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, 2012.07.06-08 , Beijing, 2012. (EI收录) 19. Liu Shuyang,Liu Keping,Li Yuanchun,A New sliding Mode Control of Manipulator Handling a Flexible Payload Based on Distributed Parameter System, 31st Chinese Control Conference, 2012.07.25-27, Hefei, 2012.(EI收录) 参会报告 1. 第十届国际导航、制导与控制学术会议(ICGNC2022),2022.8.05-07,黑龙江哈尔滨 (分组报告)。 2. 第38届中国控制会议(CCC2019) 7月27-30日,广东广州 (分组报告)。 3. Proceedings of the ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference. 2018.9.30-10.3, 亚特兰大, 美国 (分组报告). 4. The 10th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation,2012.07.06-08, 北京 (分组报告). 5. 第31届中国控制会议(ccc2012), 7月25到27,安徽合肥 (分组报告)。 6. 第23届中国过程控制会议(cpcc2012),8月11-12日福建厦门 (分组报告)。 |